Merged in a post:
Pull down attic stairs
Julian Romero-Madigan
Hello. As someone who plays house flipper 2 I find it annoying that I have to build Normal stairs to the attic and I’m used to having a pull down stair thing in the roof so you can access the attic without making any more obstructions in the second or first level. it would be a great convenience and it would allow for more room possibilities.
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Attic ladders
Hermin Ashley
Fold out ladders, free standing ladders, and wall mounted ladders. Not temporary ones but ones that are supposed to stay there. Stairs are just too big sometimes. It doesn't have to be all 3 but at least one of them would be great.
Nellie Nüms
Susan Brinkhurst
even just something that LOOKS like a ladder would be an improvement, but yes an attic ladder like the last game had would be amazing.
Merged in a post:
Attic Ladders!
Anna Parker
You know like those pull down stairs and ladders we had them in hf1. And there are some really fun designs. Metal, wood, proper stairs, just a ladder etc
Spirited Treasure
Yes. We need this.
Yes, I totally agree! I would love a ladder for lofts.