More masculine-oriented items
We have perfume, makeup, and nail polish; but what about shaving cream, razors, and beard oil? Why not more workshop-oriented things like table saws, wrenches, screwdrivers, etc? Maybe I'm just lacking creativity, but I feel like when I start adding clutter to certain areas, like the bathroom, the whole house gains a very feminine feel and I have very little which I can add to make it have more of a bachelor vibe.
Added! Please make a new post if you have suggestions for more items, they are very helpful 😄
Charlie Watts
Jay How about some more audio gear? Like a Technics styled turntable or speakers that resemble something like Klipsch? More game consoles that resemble the xbox or ps4/5, crates of records or CD's.
Charlie Watts you can upvote these posts and write your suggestions in the comments
I somehow fail to see how a screwdriver is „not feminine“, but FWIW there’s a ton of workshop stuff in the store in „Building accessories“ (building as in, the activity, not accessories for a house), have you seen that?
pbox: Yes, I've seen that, but there's like... a few chisels, hand saw, and a screwdriver. There could be a lot more. Not to mention like I said, a lot of the clutter seems geared towards a feminine side of things so it's hard to really make something that feels like a bachelor pad.
Charlie Watts
pbox My places look pretty masculine. I make my own artwork so it is like movie posters, rock band photos, etc