Paint Identification?
Emily S #TeamYvonnesHerd
Ok so I like the paints and the colors, but if I have a hard time remembering a certain color I found sometimes- so if there were numbers or names attached to the paint so I knew what I had used. (example- Pure Blue Paint could be #1, so if I want to use it again I know I used #1 and dont have to click and buy a million different colors until I find the one I had been using).
Paint colors have recieved tooltips! There is also a "Custom color paint" can which has all four color palletes AND a color wheel
Kelly Junod
I think this would be great to match wall paint to tile swatches. It's hard to know if you picked the same shade, or if you need to pick the regular paint or faded paint, and what color is under.
Noah Veldhuis
if you use the flipper tool you can select "copy style" and you can use it on painted walls. It will take you to the paint color used on that wall!