Buyer profiles in game, in a wiki format
Buyer profiles have been added with the Halloween update :)
We will still be adjusting it based on feedback, so feel free to share your thoughts!
Merged in a post:
Buyers for the houses that we buy and build!
Millena Cabral
Buyers for the houses that we build! My favorite part of HF1 is the buyers, they give meaning to the game and how to create the houses we buy and resell
in progress
This is a feature we will be implementing gradually along with a rework of the buyer system as a whole. Doing it this way will let us adjust to feedback along the way.
Thank you for your suggestions and patience!
Sadikquah Flowers
Even though it would be nice to have some sort of guide or starting point for some jobs, I also like to make houses my own way.
So I hope making houses geared toward a specific person/family doesn't become mandatory. I still want the freedom to do what I want without being penalized.
Holly Foisy
Yes I like having people to sell houses too. HF2 can't just be about sandbox mode otherwise you will lose out on alot of players. I love flipping houses or making houses to sell. Having lots of buyers with requirements would be great! Everyone has need ie number of bedrooms/bathrooms, kitchen, living room, special rooms as well as size. Maybe style too. At least 10 buyers would be great :)
gay scourge
i think in the vein of this or how id see this function, having buyers who want certain things, perhaps there could be some kind of way to 'tag' you houses for certain aspects outside of just house/room amount would be things like its themes or use. ex. someone wants a modern style house, so you make it as such, and sell it under the tag "modern" which means anyone whod want that kind of house will go for it, while also still needing to consider the size of the house too so its not like a huge family moving into a small one. i think "style" or theme wants from people to want to buy would be a good way to make simple prompts for players after story mode
Krzysztof Krej
Clara A
The game needs something like this or I won't have any reason to play it. I played through all the jobs but I quit after selling my first house because it's no fun if you don't have any idea of what kind of design you are going for. Please bring back the buyer mechanic, and also, don't allow a five person family to buy a one bedroom house. That is ridiculous. Please either create a long list of varied buyers or, as Emily Alden said below, do it with an RNG. Give us something to work with. Each buyer should be different with its own unique requirements, like different family structures or pets or hobbies or careers or medical needs or anything else like that. You could do so much with it.
Emily Alden
I'm going to pipe in and say I don't mind if we have established buyers or if the buyers are randomized, but I want them to have wants/needs. For example giving them an occupation, a couple of interests, a random number of family members, and a random other trait like favorite color or disliked color would work for me. It would be ideal if we could see who is "in the market" before buying a property so we could choose one that makes sense for the number of occupants, but even if we can't if the RNG just took the house size into account that would be fine. I understand wanting to have things randomized, but I think the feedback is the main desire, not necessarily a set cast of characters. I'm cool with a set cast of buyers too, but if RNG is something you want to keep then just having them still have wants and needs would help (in my opinion) a ton.
Clara A
Emily Alden: Yes! This exactly!
Emily Alden
Because I have no chill here's a list of things that I think there are enough objects in game to support as jobs/hobbies:
Jobs/Hobbies: Baker/Chef, Writer/Editor, Photographer, Artist, Art Critic, Pilot/Other Travel Based Job, Historian, Teacher, Daycare, Wood-working, Fisherman (obviously), Toy/Game Designer, Board Game Cafe, Musician, Video-Gamer/Online Personality, Sports Enthusiast/Player, Therapist/Children's Therapist, Pottery, Spa?
I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that I thought of.
Krzysztof Krej
under review
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