Fix assembly camera
Krzysztof Krej
Merged in a post:
assembly camera issue
Automatically fix the camera for easy use of parts/tools or provide us with option to set the sensitivity of the camera or switch between different camera view. It is so hard to get the correct view due to the sensitivity and even get motion sickness cause of super high sensitivity.
Merged in a post:
The assembly camera is really difficult to use.
Merged in a post:
More Assembly and Fix Assembly Camera
I really love the assembly mini-games. My only problem with them is that the camera is incredibly unruly and sometimes the controls will be inverted and sometimes they'll be normal.
so true.
I am so happy we do not have to assembly in game given this is the new way of doing things. The whole process makes me bonkers!
Please do something to make this better. It's so frustrating.
I see where for keyboard mouse how to move camera but movement feels inverted and moves too fast!
Someone's you cannot move the camera at all and THE UI IS IN THE WAY OF PLACING SCREW/ITEM. THEN in trying to "screw"it in! I got an OK from this and it ruined my challenge from no fault if my own to practice and do better.
How about a button that moves you from spot to spot with watch spot (s) early accessable? This should have been found in play testing :/
Also, there is a real problem paying completed items into other objects!
Let's take the Table as an example. It is very difficult to get the 4 legs to click to ghost area! Since time is a challenge, I shouldn't have to fight the UI/camera/control . I need to get those items in place, screwed in, placed in first areas and move on to the next thing. I can outside and improve my time
But if the camera/UI/controls won't let me.
Putting a timer in already challenges the fun factor so the least your can do is to have a working system for us to work with.
Thank you :)
Kristen Owens
Yeah I'm getting very frustrated that I lose out on the last star because I spend a good deal of time trying to move the damn camera to see what I need to do next. It also seems to glitch sometimes that when using a tool the meter doesn't show up and I end up going past perfect/good.
Emma Hunt
PLEASE it is so frustrating!
yes please. It wouldn't be so bad if you swung the camera and it stayed where you put it, but sometimes it rubberbands you back and you can't stay on what you need to see.
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