Resize windows (and doors) manually
Wendy Winchester
I think the problem with this would be those items both move. The static windows might be doable though.
Katriel Wolfe
This is still needed! This would make my day.
LM Cassidy
Yeah, the windows are piddly. I really don't like sandbox mode where you can resize supposedly, but I'm trying to build a giant cabin and those triangle windows are so small. Biggest size is 4x8. Looks awful. And then when you delete you're left with an empty hole that you have to refill again. Please change this.
Enze Jansen
This needs to be a thing, it's limiting the game right now
Vera van der Struik
Now there seem to be several types of windows, but for instance the 7 x 7 Kinabalu is the slightly taller version of the 7 x 6 Etna, which is the only difference between them.
Why not gather all windows of this type together in one type, which has 2 more options in the Change style window: 1. A slider to set the height, with a minimum of 1, and a maximum as large as we want to, limited only by the maximum building height, and 2. A slider to set the width, with a minimum of 1, and a maximum of the width of the property we're building on. Of course these windows will have to be resizable. (It would be absolutely excellent if we could also change the color and transparency of window glass.)
This way we could make the windows as large or small as we want to, and it would also clean up the store considerably.
Vera van der Struik
Today I was trying to create something, but ran into the limitations of window sizes. There's a 7x8 and a 4x8, but not a 5x8 or 6x8. Out goes one option. Then there's a 5x3 and a 6x4, but not a 6x3 of 5x4. To say that I was annoyed, is putting it mildly. No matter how I tried, I simply couldn't accomplish what I had in mind.
So please devs, for the sake of creativity, make a little haste with this one!
Merged in a post:
Give us one of each window/door style, allow us to resize it, so that any window can fit any size.
Samantha O
Thought I would add this since it seems like it could be connected.
Being able to rotate the muntin bars inside the windows to make them into a diamond design would also be wonderful *see picture for reference :)
Elise Weusthuis
I think it would also fit the general design philosopy or having fewer, highly customizable items. Instead of making each size a seperate item, they could make it 1 per window style and just let us pick the size
Bart Klompenhouwer
please add this
Yes please, I had this problem with a garage door
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